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Friday, December 7, 2007

StarWar The Force Unleash......WOW....nice nice?

Well being the Star Wars Series Fan since I was small kid. Something fun about the movie I remember is that first. I never know that Episode IV is the first of the star wars trilogy released until they released Episode I. LOL. When I see Episode I, II, and III , then I watch again the early episode IV, V, VI.....don't feel the sci fi not that nice LOL.

Well lets get back to the main topic. The mobile game. Well is a n-gage second generation game. Hmmmmm in planing to launch already. Wonder will the game be nice or not since? Well, you ask me wat is n-gage second generation? Well I think the official site will explain and give you better explanation.

Well the game, you see for yourself and judge for yourself. Since not everyone's views are the same.

N-Gage: Learn more


Lyd said...

hey yo.. welcome to blogspot ;P

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