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Monday, September 22, 2008

First Time Riding in Night seremban

Well at 20th of september, the forum organize a ride to seremban. A dawn ride for "sahur", (kind like a breakfast for fasting month) since they going to fast start around 5.00 am something....

I lost one of my contact lense on the way to first RV point MMZ (is a restaurant) LOL. So kind have a headache there. We always arrive first LOL. Chat eat eat.Then 2.00am after all arrive. We all headout to second RV point RnR Seremban (two of choppersgarage members waiting there).

I was totaly wrong when I thought that the night going to be's damn freezing, and I hate cold weather. I just wear a T-shirt, short pant and a damn thin glove.....(shud have wear my other glove). My hands were freezing, it went numb, I even touch the engine of my bike......and I dont feel anything......

But anyway, Luckily most of they people are riding Modenas Jaguh or Kawasaki eliminator 175, we all riding around 90km/h to 100km/h. So at least I can handle the coldness of the night. (next time I goin to wear my biking full attire :/)

When we arrive at the second RV, have some briefing due to a inccident, a truck with dont know what load cut the convoi into half....LOL. (that guy last time with mat rempit I think =x).Seremban here we go.....When we arrive at seremban and ready to go the the restaurant. Something happen....(oh oh....we got trouble). But that always happen, when riding LOL.

First, the restaurant that we suppose to go, closed (what the hack....%@^$#^%@$#). One of the member , the battery don't have electric. So we push and push, It didn't start.....(mean you is 1100cc).Last method, push it using other bike to the restaurant. LOL

Arrive at the restaurant, (i admit I was hungry that time). One of the member ask me what I order. I say fried mihun ( is rice vermilli ). "YOu come this far to eat fired mihun only?". we have choice LOL.....(actually not much choice and stuff on menu availabe.....T.T).

We forget one of the member halfway LOL....So some of the pack when out and get him (something wrong with his gear stuff,I think)

We all take some photo and chit chat, see some of others bike and off we go back to KL/Home heheh

Arrive at home around 7 plus to bed and sleep.

Here some pictures (acutally the pic is too much, I lazy to upload so you just go to the forum to take a look at it)



Penabahari said...

Sdr Zaymes,
Thanks for the visit. I like the pic of vintage bike. Hope one day I could ride one.Take care.

cath said...

u really like to ride

Zaym35 said...

yup...but currently motor engine in good condition =/

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....